Wings As Eagles: What did I do this morning? (Saturday)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What did I do this morning? (Saturday)

I actually had this written and saved in my drafts last Saturday, but didn't finish it until now, so just pretend that you read it a few days ago! :)

Usually I am downstairs throughout the week and even on Saturdays, but today I spent the morning working upstairs in the kitchen. Here's just a few bits and pieces from my day:

The first thing I did was turn on the radio; I almost always have music playing when I'm cooking, baking or cleaning!

Then I carried my computer upstairs and was able to catch-up on the majority of the blogs I read and subscribe to in between everything else.

I had put a roast in the crockpot last night, so it was ready to take out this morning. And it smelled really good! I could smell it when I got up this morning and my room is downstairs on the opposite side of the house from the kitchen.

I kept some of the meat for lunch for Dad and myself (Jena's working today) and then froze the rest. That will work great for BBQ beef sandwiches for another day. Lunch was finished and ready once I peeled and mashed potatoes and made gravy.

I used the last of the cooked hamburger I had in the freezer this week, so I needed to cook some more. I cooked....let's see....I think around 10-12 pounds of hamburger meat, so I should have plenty to put in casseroles and such for the next several months. Spaghetti is on the menu for next week, so I'll have some for that day's meal.

After I took the hamburger out of the oven, I spread it out on paper towels spread over newspapers to drain the extra fat and let it cool before bagging it. That's a lot of hamburger!

Hamburger's double bagged and ready to go in the freezer! And I was able to get all that accomplished along with finishing the roast, cooking potatoes, making gravy, cleaning up the kitchen, blog reading and a few other things here and there! Definitely a fantastic morning!

Btw, instead of cooking hamburger every time I need it for a meal, I cook a bunch at once and then freeze it. Then I can just defrost what I need for whatever I'm fixing. Saves tons of time! :)

Plus, and when I say this you are NOT allowed to laugh :), that's what Mom always did with hamburger! So, guess what? That's what I do too! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh good! I'm not the only one who puts messages in draft and then doesn't get around to finishing/posting them until days later! :) (I liked seeing the pictures from your day too!)



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