Wings As Eagles: My colored coded method of lessons

Saturday, July 7, 2007

My colored coded method of lessons

Krissa laughs at my color coded method for organizing my Bible lesson material for each day, but I have been doing it for a long time and it works great every year. Plus it makes it colorful and cheerful! ;)

Everyday is a different color and my lessons, Bible verse tabs, memory verse cards, games and notes all have the same corresponding color. I can tell at a glance what lesson each item corresponds to and the memory verse for each day.

Monday - pink
Tuesday - blue
Wednesday - green
Thursday - orange/red
Friday - yellow

This is Wednesday's lesson outline & notes, memory verse, review questions and wordsearch lesson review game. I guess technically it isn't all green since I printed the review questions on white paper instead of green, but I will use a green highlighter to highlight the topics.

My Bible is coated with color coded tabs with references. They are in the order I have them linked into the lesson and of course each color is for the day I will be using them.

Nehemiah lesson book with flashcards...

Here are my notes that I typed up. I taped it to the back of the previous flashcard so I can refer to it as the kids see the picture on the front. I probably should have printed it on green paper too, but they are taped in the lesson so they are not going anywhere.

The flashcard picture the kids will see as I talk about the lesson.

What would I do without colored paper, cardstock, sticky notes and highlighters, I just don't know!! Dad doesn't know it yet, but the menu I am making for him with his list of meals next week is also color coded. I can just imagine the look he gives me when I tell him where everything is in the refrigerator and freezer! :)

And that is what exactly I am signing off to do...finish Dad's menu and list of chores for next week to do while all of us girls are gone!


  1. Yes, I can just see your Dad's face too! If I were there I would have to laugh.

    It will be interesting seeing how he is caring for the pets while you are gone. You never know when you get home, Skittles may be sitting in his lap! stanger things have happened.

  2. Skittles on Dad's lap....I know there have been strange things, but I don't expect THAT to happen! But she is right here sitting in my lap at the moment! :)


I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)