the footprint trail (smaller version!)
Footprints, footprints and more footprints! I had this really grand idea for a memory verse challenge at camp this year dealing with footprints! I always try to fit the memory verse challenge for the week to the Bible lessons. Since the lessons are on Ruth, footprints fit in with all the traveling with Naomi and her family moving from Bethlehem to Moab and then Naomi and Ruth from Moab to Bethlehem. And Ruth did lots of walking in the fields, gathering the leftover grain.
We will start the journey at Moab and stick footprints to the wall, creating the journey from Moab to Bethlehem. After each camper says so many verses they will be able to pick a prize, the value depending on how many verses they said. Plus they will also be able to write their name on a footprint and stick it to the wall.
I'm planning to make a trail of neon sticky dots around the dinning room at camp to mark the journey from Moab to Bethlehem. Then the campers can put their footprints on the dots to complete the journey. It should be fun and hopefully will encourage the campers to memorize verses.
Just ignore Skittles, she's not part of the plan.
She always has to be right beside me when I'm working! :)
She always has to be right beside me when I'm working! :)
I ordered a large die cut because there was no way I wanted to cut out billions of footprint the old-fashioned scissors way! Yesterday I spent almost 2 hours at the Learning Center (I could spend hours upon hours there creating posters and fun cut-outs for camp or my SS class!!) cutting out all the big and little footprints. I can cut out six footprints at one time, so it moves fairly quickly.
But I thought I was never going to be done and I just barely finished before they closed for the day and wouldn't reopen until Monday morning cause of the holiday weekend. Whew; that's done! As I was standing there folding paper, cutting the prints and feeling like my arm was going to fall off from all the pressing on the die cuts, I was calculating in my head just how many prints I really needed. It's hard to guess how many campers will be there and how many verses they will memorize.
We should have max 80 campers each week and if they say all sets of their verses to earn footprints, that would be 3-4 footprints each. So multiply 3-4 x 80 campers x 2 weeks = 480-640.
And since I could get 3 large prints out of one sheet of paper and I used 180 sheets, that would make 540 footprints! That's a lot of footprints! But hopefully 270 per week will be enough. If not, I may have to go back to the old-fashioned method of cutting prints while at camp. :)
And since I could get 3 large prints out of one sheet of paper and I used 180 sheets, that would make 540 footprints! That's a lot of footprints! But hopefully 270 per week will be enough. If not, I may have to go back to the old-fashioned method of cutting prints while at camp. :)
WOW! You can do math...I'm impressed!! ;)