Wings As Eagles: January spells C-L-E-A-N and O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E

Friday, January 14, 2011

January spells C-L-E-A-N and O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E

Yes, I know what you're thinking--where did I go to school and learn to spell?!?! ;)

But for some reason when January hits, it automatically means it's time to clean and organize. Seriously. One look at my dresser on December 30th and as it was dusted last week, it looks fine. But when I see the same dresser on January 1, it looks like it needs to be dusted from top to bottom, drawers cleaned out and contents organized.

Do two days really make that much difference?! :)

What is it that tricks my mind into thinking that? I don't know. Maybe it's the start of a new year. New beginnings. New things to unfold. New goals to achieve. New challenges to conquer.

Whatever it is, I'm seeing things that need to be cleaned and organized!!!

I could go on, you know. Most months trigger something in my mind. February spells....

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