It's been a little crazy around here because I've been madly trying to get as much done as I can this week so I can actually take off a few days around Christmas and call it a vacation. It probably won't turn out to be that way, but I can at least say I had good intentions! :)
To catch you up on my events of the week,
which usually are much the same week after week, here's just a little of what went on around our house. Considering that Dad and I were the only ones home all week, it was rather quiet and uneventful, except for never know what she might be carrying around that house that could cause an uproar! :)
Monday: Check email
(this includes business, personal, facebook, bloglines, all those daily stops!), ship orders, answer email,
update Latte Quilt class database, answer email, upload shopping class coupons, answer email.
(Yeah, I know, answering email can take a large part of my day - it's usually not just a 10 minute process! :))Tuesday: Check email, unpack and restock inventory, answer email, place fabric orders, answer email, cook noodle soup, change the downstairs to a studio to check lighting, background, camera settings, etc. for video taping, go to Meade Lumber to pick up lights, Bible Study with Tim and Erin from church, answer email.
Wednesday: Check email, ship orders, check on fabric shipments, answer email,
write and send out newsletter, cook lasanga, blogging, answer email,
plan quilt class video, finish video taping quilt introduction, package and wrap gifts, unpack and figure out my new camera.
Thursday: Check email, ship orders
(Christmas is next week, so orders need to be out in time for Christmas Day!), drop of some embroidery I stitched for Stacie in Dodge, visit with Stacie about photography lighting, grocery and Christmas shopping, unpack and put away all the groceries, play with the various settings on my new camera.
You know, owning a business does it have it's perks - like deductions for purchases! :)Friday: Check email, ship orders
(a large batch today!), mail gifts, online research on green chroma key screens and studio backgrounds, answer email, do laundry, plan next week's menu and food to take to Grandma's for Christmas, call Grandma, answer email, watch Dad installing lights while talking on the phone
(see photo below!), write Christmas cards, play with the new flash of my new camera, answer email.
Saturday: Check email, plan food for church dinner on Sunday,
bake cake, upload new inventory, photograph satins and upload to website, answer email, go to the church to help with meal preparations for Sunday noon,
frost cake (that ended up taking a little longer than planned!), get stuff ready for SS, answer email.
Sunday: Get up and get dressed for church, start cooking dressing in crockpot
(I decided the kitchen instead of the car this time! :)), leave for church, teach SS, finish meal details,
serve the meal with Jena and Megan at church, wash tables, put away decorations, clean kitchen, etc. at church, come home and fall asleep for over 2 hours
(I was exhausted at this point!), check email
(personal only this time and check a few blogs!), plan what I am doing this next week.
I think that just about sums it up - it may be lifeless and dull around our house with the same routine day in and day out, but no one ever said we,
or rather I should say - I, ever get bored with
nothing to do.
Jena was in Oklahoma City all last week spending time with one of her girlfriends from Meade, shopping, going out to eat and having a good time chatting and laughing, and
apparently going to Wal-Mart as she mentions here.This last week was Krissa's last week at work and with her hectic work schedule, she was glad when Friday rolled around! One of her friends, Caroline from Florida, flew to Birmingham Friday evening and is spending the weekend with her. Tomorrow she's packing and then both she and Caroline are coming home to Kansas for a few days to spend Christmas here.
Dad....well, he pretty much did the same thing this week that he did last week, except he worked on putting in my lights downstairs which was a new thing for the week. Plus the windmill pipe froze and burst this week, so he's been debating where to move the cattle, so they will have feed, water, shelter from the wind, etc.
His usual daily activities include checking the cattle, breaking the ice in the water tanks, feeding them if needed, standing in front of the fireplace getting warmed up after being outside in the freezing weather, studying for his weekly Sunday School lesson, taking a nap in the afternoon as needed and keeping up with all us girls. Oh, and don't forget checking the mail, snail mail delivered in the mailbox...that is a daily noon routine for him.
Now, doesn't answering email several times a day sound a little more exciting than that?!?! :)
Dad talking on the phone
yeah, all those wires hanging down looks a little scary - I'm glad Dad knows what he's doing!